Friday, August 28, 2020
Critically appraise the impact that transformational leadership can Assignment
Basically evaluate the effect that transformational initiative can have on associations and society - Assignment Example Value-based pioneers work inside and with the standards and standards that as of now exist in the association, while transformational pioneers in examination are the individuals who ââ¬Ëtransformââ¬â¢ their authoritative culture and adjust it to qualities and standards that are fundamental to be increasingly compelling. Transformational pioneers have been described as having four parts; romanticized impact, helpful inspiration, scholarly incitement and individualized thought. Transformational pioneers utilize these four devices to change their hierarchical culture into one that is generally helpful for development and headway. Transformational pioneers who work hence, and show a feeling of vision and reason for existing are bound to be found in associations that treasure development and progress. They adjust their subordinates to the objectives of the association and its way of life and are well on the way to encourage inventiveness than help a culture with a the state of affai rs (Bass 1991; Gardiner 2006). Authoritative culture and initiative will perpetually stay interconnected. Pioneers are the ones who build up the organizationââ¬â¢s culture and reinforce its standards and convictions. The way of life along these lines comes to fruition as indicated by what the pioneer focuses on, and this is the thing that the subordinates are educated to follow by their pioneers. In any case, it isn't just the pioneer who influences culture, association societies are frequently as affecting of their pioneers also. For instance, it can impact how dynamic is finished by top administration in regards to concerns like recruiting new representatives and setting them inside the association etcetera. As per the developmental procedure of an association, the pioneer must change the way of life to suit the organizationââ¬â¢s needs. So as to keep up change while causing the least opposition, the pioneer must not totally let go of the underlying society. The past ought t o be alluded back to for motivation and the comprehension of center procedures that must be kept up later on. Changes ought to nonetheless, fortify advancement so the hierarchical culture is adjusted for present and future need (Gardner, J. 1990; Avolio et al 1991). Hierarchical culture styles can likewise be arranged into two separate classifications, as per the authority style of the pioneer in charge of the association. Hypothetically, in the event that the pioneer is value-based, at that point the way of life is additionally value-based and on the off chance that the pioneer is transformational, at that point the way of life is likewise transformational (Gardner, J. 1990). Be that as it may, as a general rule hierarchical societies gangs a few parts of the two sorts of societies and the stunt truly, is to make a cognizant film towards a transformational culture by joining increasingly more transformational angles while as yet keeping up the truly necessary auxiliary value-based viewpoints (Simola et al 2010). A transformational culture can be described by a feeling of direction and solidarity. In such societies, duties are made for the more extended run. The top administration and the ensuing subordinate levels have a specific degree of association and shared objectives. In such societies, the executives goes past what is required to promote their personal responsibility to do what is useful for the aggregate prosperity of the association. Top administration goes about as tutors for subordinate administration levels, the standards are adaptable and adjust to the adjustments in the organizationââ¬â¢s outer condition and due significance is given to the organizationââ¬â¢
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Blooms Taxonomy Lesson Plans in the Classroom
Blossoms Taxonomy Lesson Plans in the Classroom Have you at any point heard an understudy whine, This inquiry is so difficult!? While this might be a typical protest, there are reasons that a few inquiries are more diligently than others. The trouble of an inquiry or a task can be estimated by the degree of the basic reasoning ability required. Straightforward aptitudes, for example, recognizing a state capital can be estimated rapidly. Progressively refined abilities, for example, the development of a speculation take any longer to be assessed.â Prologue to Bloom's Taxonomy: To help decide the degree of basic deduction for an undertaking, Benjamin Bloom, an American instructive analyst, built up an approach to sort the various degrees of basic thinking aptitudes required in study hall circumstances. During the 1950s, his Blooms Taxonomy gave all instructors a typical jargon for considering learning objectives. There are six levels in the scientific categorization, each requiring a more elevated level of reflection from the understudies. As an instructor, you should endeavor to move understudies up the scientific classification as they progress in their insight. Tests that are composed exclusively to evaluate information are shockingly exceptionally normal. Nonetheless, to make scholars instead of understudies who essentially review data, we should consolidate the more elevated levels into exercise plans and tests. Information In the information level of Blooms Taxonomy, questions are asked exclusively to test whether an understudy has increased explicit data from the exercise. For instance, have they retained the dates for a specific war or do they know the presidents that served during explicit periods in American History. It additionally incorporates information on the principle thoughts that are being educated. You are most likely composing information addresses when you use watchwords, for example, who, what, why, when, preclude, where, which, pick, discover, how, characterize, mark, appear, spell, list, coordinate, name, relate, tell, review, select. Understanding The appreciation level of Blooms Taxonomy has understudies go past basically reviewing realities and rather makes them comprehend the data. With this level, they will have the option to decipher the realities. Rather than essentially having the option to name the different kinds of mists, for instance, the understudies would have the option to comprehend why each cloud has shaped as such. You are most likely composing appreciation addresses when you utilize the accompanying keywords:â compare, differentiate, illustrate, decipher, clarify, expand, delineate, induce, layout, relate, reword, interpret, sum up, appear, or characterize. Application Application questions are those where understudies need to really apply, or use, the information they have learned. They may be approached to take care of an issue with the data they have picked up in class being important to make a practical arrangement. For instance, an understudy may be asked to comprehend a legitimate inquiry in an American Government class utilizing the Constitution and its corrections. You are most likely composing application addresses when you utilize the accompanying keywords:â apply, fabricate, pick, build, create, talk with, utilize, sort out, explore different avenues regarding, plan, select, settle, use, or model. Examination In the examination level, understudies will be required to go past information and application and really observe designs that they can use to dissect an issue. For instance, an English instructor may ask what the thought processes were behind the heroes activities during a novel. This expects understudies to dissect the character and reach a resolution dependent on this investigation. You are most likely composing examination addresses when you use keywords:â analyze, arrange, order, analyze, differentiate, find, dismember, isolate, look at, assess, disentangle, study, test for, recognize, list, qualification, topic, connections, work, thought process, deduction, presumption, end, or participate in. Blend With blend, understudies are required to utilize the offered realities to make new hypotheses or make forecasts. They may need to pull in information from different subjects and incorporate this data before arriving at a resolution. For instance, if an understudy is approached to create another item or game they are being approached to orchestrate. You are most likely composing amalgamation addresses when you use keywords:â build, pick, consolidate, arrange, make, build, make, structure, create, gauge, detail, envision, imagine, make up, begin, plan, foresee, propose, tackle, arrangement, assume, examine, adjust, change, unique, improve, adjust, limit, amplify, conjecture, expound, test, occur, erase words like select, judge, banter, or suggest. Assessment The top degree of Blooms Taxonomy is assessment. Here understudies are required to survey data and reach a resolution, for example, its worth or the inclination that a creator may present.à For model, if the understudies are finishing a DBQ (Document Based Question) for an AP US History course, they are relied upon to assess the predisposition behind any essential or auxiliary sources so as to see the impact that the speaker is making on a subject. You are presumably composing assessment addresses when you utilize the keywords:â award, pick, finish up, censure, choose, safeguard, decide, question, assess, judge, legitimize, measure, look at, mark, rate, suggest, rule on, select, concur, evaluate, organize, supposition, decipher, clarify, bolster significance, rules, demonstrate, invalidate, survey, impact, see, worth, gauge, or deduct. Interesting points While Implementing Bloom's Taxonomy There are numerous reasons educators keep a duplicate of Blooms Taxonomy levels helpful. For instance, an educator may structure an assignment by checking the Blooms Taxonomy to ensure that various degrees of ranges of abilities are required for various understudies. Utilizing Blooms Taxonomy during exercise arrangement can enable an instructor to ensure that all degrees of basic reasoning have been required over the length of a unit. Numerous errands structured withà Blooms scientific classification can be progressively valid, the sorts of undertakings that challenge all understudies to build up the basic reasoning aptitudes required for reality. Obviously, instructors perceive that it is a lot simpler to review assignments planned on the lower levels (information, use) of Blooms Taxonomy than on the more elevated levels. Actually, the higher the degree of Blooms Taxonomy, the more perplexing the evaluating. For the more modern assignments dependent on higher levels,â ââ¬â¹rubrics become increasingly imperative to guarantee reasonable and precise reviewing with undertakings dependent on examination, union, and assessment. At long last, it is remarkably significant that we as instructors help our understudies become basic masterminds. Expanding on information and helping kids start to apply, break down, incorporate, and assess is the way to helping them develop and succeed in school and past. Source Sprout, B. S. (ed.). Scientific classification of Educational Objectives. Vol. 1: Cognitive Domain. New York: McKay, 1956.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Motor Neurone Disease Health And Social Care Essay
Engine Neurone Disease Health And Social Care Essay tangible neuron and engine neuron. Tangible neuron brings the sign from the objective organ to cerebrum as electrical driving forces and engine neuron has the polar opposite capacity for example it carries the motivations from cerebrum to target organ to react against the specific improvement. In MND these engine neurons are gain influenced that power deliberate muscle including talking, strolling, breathing, sawalloing and general development of body. Skeletal muscle are innervated by a gathering of neurons (lower engine neuron) situated in the ventral horn of spinal line which projectout the ventral roots to the muscle cells. These nerve are innervated by corticospinal tract or upper engine neuron that venture from engine cortex of mind. In minute pathology there is degeneration of ventral horn of spinal rope just as decay of ventral roots. Presentation: Engine neuron illness (MND) are the gathering of neurological issue. It influences the engine neurons. Engine neurons have primary capacity in acquiring the sign type of driving forces from cerebrum to the effectors organs (target organ) and along these lines control the intentional action like strolling, talking, gulping and other general developments. A French nervous system specialist, Jean Martin Charcot, first proposed club together all conditions that influence the parallel horn of spinal line in 1869. The other regular name for MND are-ALS (amyotrophic horizontal sclerosis), essential parallel sclerosis (PLS), dynamic strong decay (PLS). The reason for MND is irregular. Hereditary factor and natural factor are liable for it up somewhat. The engine framework fundamentally comprise of four sections: pyramidal framework, basal ganglia, cerebellum and neuromuscular framework. The sore in any of them can prompt neurodegenerative sickness. There might be a few explanation related with sore like intracellular discharge, stroke and so forth. There isn't a lot of degree accessible for treatment of this malady for all time. Clinical science despite everything doesn't have any successful and lasting fix. Here I am attempting to utilize undifferentiated cell innovation approach for the treatment of this infection. As undifferentiated organisms are the ace cells of human body and can have ability to infer all sort of cells. Due to its flexible nature, these cell can produce the engine neuron cells which get deteriorated in MND. Here some undifferentiated organisms cell approach is being consider and method required for its treatment are neural foundational microorganism approach, the conveyance of immature microorganisms into various site and influenced territory, actuated pluripotent cells approach, glial confined forerunner approach, cell treatment approach and so forth. The engine framework: The engine framework comprise of: Pyramidal framework (upper engine neuron) The basal ganglia (extrapyramidal framework) The cerebellum Neuromuscular framework The ordinary engine pathway contain upper engine neuron that neurotransmitter in the brainstem and spinal string with lower engine neuron. The nerve cell assortments of upper engine neuron (UMNs) lie in the precentral gyrus of the cerebral cortex and in a few brainstem cores, their axon neurotransmitter with engine cores in brainstem (cranial nerve cores) and the spinal string (fringe nerve). Lower engine neuron (LMNs) have their cell bodies in the front horn (AHC); their axon transmit drive through their foremost root into fringe nerve ending at neuromascular [junction Rosa-Eva Huettl et al, Feb 2011]. Skeletal cells which are willful in nature are innervated by gathering of neurons (LMNs) which are situated in the ventral horn of spinal line and these nerve cells are innervated by corticospinal tract(UMN) which venture from engine cortex of mind. Three sorts of engine pathways impringe on the foremost horn cells ; the corticospinal tract, the basal ganglia framework, and the cerebellar framework. These are extra pathway beginning in brainstem that intervene flexor and extensor tone in appendage development and stance generally eminent in unconsciousness. All these higher engine pathways influence development through the LMNs-alleged the last normal pathway. C:UsersGUDDU-SUDDUDesktoppari2.gif Fig 1: portrayal of engine cortex and interior case. The chief engine pathway (pyramidal tract) is depicated. The development whether started deliberately in the cortex, naturally in the basal ganglia or reflexly in the tactile receptors, should at last be converted without hesitation through foremost horn cells. An injury in any of the previously mentioned zone will influence development or reflex movement. The three chief engine pathway are: The corticospinal (pyramidal) tract: the cortiocospinal (pyramidal) tracts intercede willful development and coordinate talented, convoluted, or fragile development of chose strong activities and repress others. They additionally convey motivations that hinder tone, thus, their sore outcomes in hypertonia. The corticospinal strands start in the cerebral cortex (precentral mortex cortex) go through crown radiata and consolidate in the inside case, go through its back appendage and travel own through mid cerebrum, pons and descends into lower medulla, where they structure an anatomical structure looking like a pyramid. There the majority of the filaments cross to the inverse or contralateral side of the medualla, pass downwards and neurotransmitter with the foremost horn cells or with internuncial neurons. Tracts synapsing in the brainstem with engine cores of the cranial nerves are named corticobullar filaments (tract). The basal ganglia framework: it included engine pathways between the cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, cerebrum stem and spinal line. It controls tone, stance and body development particularly net programmed development, for example, strolling. The cerebellum: it gets both tangible and engine sources of info and controls the co-ordinates the engine movement, keeps up balance and control pose. Body part portrayal in engine cortex and interior case: The body part are spoken to in contraleteral half of the globe in a trademark design for example lower appendage involves upper position, face involved lower most, arm and trunk possess an enormous territory. Correspondingly, the pieces of the body equipped for performing fragile developments have biggest cortical portrayal. In inward container, the portrayal of the part is held. The upper appendages, trunk and lower appendages possess upper center and lower portions of back appendage of the inward container. Change in the stance and adjustment in the tone of numerous muscles requires for the development of body. Some very inaccessible from the part being moved. The engine framework comprise of pecking order of control component that keep up body act, benchmark, muscle tone whereupon a particular development is superimposed. The most reduced request of the chain of command lies in the dim matter of spinal rope which control the muscle tone because of stretch and the reflex withdrawl to poisonous improvements. Over the spinal line, circuits between basal ganglia and engine cortex establish the extrapyramidal framework which control foundation muscle tone and body stance and door the inception of development. Reason for MND and manifestations related with it: Practically 90% of MND cases are inconsistent [Leyanx Xu et al, April 2009] for example the patient have not family record of this sickness. Hereditary variables and natural factor is significant in determing people sucettibility. A few qualities connected to ALS are: Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase SOD1, ALS2, NEFH, SETX and vesicle related with protein B (VAPB). SOD1 transformation is answerable for about 20% of the MND case among in a family. The primary result of SOD1 quality is superoxide dismutase protein. It go about as a free extreme forager and capacity as to diminish the oxidative worry of cells all through body [Gurney ME et al, April 1997] . Till now about in excess of 100 various types of change in SOD1 quality have been discovered, which represent advancement of MND and its some different structures too (ALSOD database). AV4 is the most generally transformation happening in North America and happen in up to half of SOD1 cases. In such a manner diverse area and nations have distinctive change which legitimately or in a roundabout way influence SOD1 quality. For example, in Japan the most widely recognized transformation is H46R. D90A transformation is related with the moderate movement of ALS is found in the individuals of Scandinavian [Gurney ME et al, April 1997]. As SOD1 quality is associated with the decrease of oxidative pressure so its change presents an increase in harmful and influence the nerve cells. Instead of this viewpoint injury in different pieces of the engine framework produce distructive example of engine shortage. These can instigate negative manifestations of shortcoming, absence of coordination, absence of security and solidness or positive side effects, for example, tremor, dystonia, chorea, athetosis, hemiballism, tics and myoclonus. At the point when the lower appendages are influenced, trademark example of step issue may result. Lower engine neuron sore: It comprise of front horn cells, nerve roots, fringe nerves and myoneural intersections. Gatherings of muscle strands innervated by single foremost horn cells (LMN) from an engine unit, thus, it will cause loss of capacity of these engine unit and muscle filaments innervated by them result into shortcoming, limp, loss of motion, decay and squandering the muscles and these muscle filaments depolorise unexpectedly delivering fibrillation. Sign and side effects of lower neuron sore: Shortcoming or loss of development. Lessening tone (hypotonia-flabby loss of motion). Loss of ligament and shallow reflexes. Squandering of muscle prompting decay. Fasciculation. Trophic change in skin and nail in neutropathies. Contractures of muscle. Upper engine neuron sores: The corticospinal tract (UMM) stretched out from the cortex to spinal line, when harmed or demolished, its capacity are decreased or lost underneath the degree of sore. When UMNs are harmed over the hybrid of tract in medulla, engine impedance creates on inverse or contralateral side. In harm beneath the hybrid, engine hindrance happen on same or ipsilateral side of body. An UMN injury shows
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Want to Know More About Leadershuip Essay Samples?
Want to Know More About Leadershuip Essay Samples? The Meaning of Leadershuip Essay Samples In reality, interpersonal relations ought to be rather intertwined into professional relations than substitute them that will result in the perception of a leader's individual trait as superior to their leader's trait. Communication is apparently an extremely important characteristic of a very good leader together with interpersonal relationships that's also associated with emotional intelligence as discussed previously. For leaders, it is the most fundamental skill he or she can possess when it comes to leading an individual, or a team. One of the absolute most important features of a fantastic leader is they will need to actually be ready to lead. He must also show a commitment to his or her team. He must also make sure that he or she not only communicates the appropriate information to the team, but also that everyone understands it. The prospective leader works with a coach, attempting to develop their leadership abilities. As an example, a skilled and advanced member would inject new ideas into the undertaking. The remainder of the group plays no part in the decision-making. An excellent leader doesn't sit back and observe what's happening, but rather they need to be the one making the decisions and ensuring the remainder of the team sees them through. Terrific leaders can communicate in a manner that others can engage with. Leadership is understood to be the process in which a person influences the group of people to attain a frequent goal'. Followers are those that never have a leadership role in an y activity. The school may also print booklets and magazines which could contain guidelines about how to understand the SBRC. There's several essays completed by them. If nothing is completed, students are most likely to find frustrated. 1 such instance of this kind of leadership is police stations. Leadership is an ability to lead men and women in order to reach specific targets. It is defined as the ability to properly influence others for the sole purpose of cohesively accomplishing similar goals and objectives. Furthermore, it cannot be effective without the help of other, therefore, I believe having the ability to delegate as a leader I will improve the efficiency of my teammates and also have time to plan my next move. As a rule leadership is targeted at encouraging folks to attain common targets. For any process to be successful, it's mandatory for the whole group of the stakeholders to completely take part in the procedure for implementing it. When the employees don't get sufficient info, they are inclined to make many errors which then leads to wrong decisions. In the instance of the standards-based report cards, quite a lot of people are involved with the adoption procedure, and all must be fulfilled by the aims of the system. May it be students who should pass academic requirements or employees that are tasked to submit a written report, there'll always be a reason people will write within the reach of their functions and obligations. All About Leadershuip Essay Samples Leadership is largely confused with management. Associations can't prevail without their workforce abilities and commitment. The exact first step in innovation adoption is enlightening teachers about just what the system is about and acquainting them along with the many advantages that it is connected with. Each model impacts the way processes are performed by subordinates. Active application of authoritarian Leadership style will guarantee that the organization is transformed through a rise in productivity and quick decision making since it's a huge organization. The challenge was thus to accomplish a breakthrough with a selection of limitations. The Meaning of Leadershuip Essay Samples Leadership is a typical and rather straightforward word but rather very tricky word to define because of its complexity and multifaceted composition. They have an important role within an organisation related to its success, productivity and the performance of the employees. Any essay on leadership should emphasize the function of communication. Leadership essays, generally, are likely to be quite different than the essays you're utilized to writing for class. Unlike your teacher who must read your essay to supply you with a grade, admissions staff don't need to read anything they don't need to. After you collate the appropriate info, you can review them to expand your comprehension of the idea of leadership before you commence writing an essay on leadership. Before you begin attempting to consider the specifics or the structure of your leadership essay, you want to understand a bit more concerning the leadership characteristics you've got. If you are searching for assistance with your essay then we provide a comprehensive writing service given by fully qualified academics in your area of study.
Friday, May 15, 2020
America s The Fourteenth Amendment - 903 Words
July 9, 1868, the day the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified and establish into the Constitution. On this day, the Federal Government granted citizenship to ââ¬Å"all persons born or naturalized in the United States.â⬠This all changed on October 3, 1965 when Lyndon Johnson passed the Hart-Celler Immigration Bill. When this bill passed, it allowed politicians to redefine the way the Fourteenth Amendment was written. The obvious reason politicians would want to take advantage of this is for votes. If you have illegal aliens coming into the country and politicians granting them citizenship, the aliens are more than likely going to vote in favor of the politician that allowed them to accommodate with ease. This not only transformed the law and Constitution, but America itself. In consequence of America letting an undocumented amount of illegal aliens in, it has given a new blueprint to the country as a whole. Immigrants who come to America no longer have to assimilate to American c ulture, civilization or ethnicity. Instead, Americans have to homogenize themselves to the foreign customs of the substantial amount of immigrants entering the nation. With all this all of this being taken into consideration, I believe there are four things that America could do and should do to reclaim and solidify the American way. These four are as follows: secure the border, e-Verify ALL employment, strengthen the way jobs and financial benefits are given to the public, and enforce theShow MoreRelatedThe Importance of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifthteenth Amendendments1493 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments of The United States Constitution were important for implementing a total reconstruction of America and the blessings of of liberty to everyone that lived within the borders or our country. These ideas of equality would be reached out to the entire population including but not limited to slaves and their descendants and all Americ an Citizens. These Amendments were especially important to African Americans and minorities who were the main victimsRead MoreAbortion : The Battle For Integrity1691 Words à |à 7 Pageswould dramatically shake the future of America. This young pregnant women known as Roe defiantly claimed to the assembly that the Texas laws for abortion were unconstitutional. The laws to establish abortion were authorized by the state governments at that time, and specifically the Texas laws ruled abortion illegal unless the motherââ¬â¢s life was threatened. After this heated debate known as Roe v. Wade, the United States Supreme Court eventually declared a woman s constitutional right to have an abortionRead MoreThe Bill Of Rights Of The United States1557 Words à |à 7 Pagesfreedoms and liberties that are guaranteed to the people of the United States of America. Because these rights are in the Constitution, they are federal laws that apply to everyone in America. To ensure there was no q uestion as to who the Bill of Rights applied to, the Fourteenth Amendment was passed in 1868 giving anyone born in, or a citizen of, the United States the rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. The amendment left clauses giving some interpretation to the states and other local municipalitiesRead MoreThe Rights Of The United States1690 Words à |à 7 Pagesnationalization of Fourteenth Amendment, so citizens of the U.S. are ascertained to have protection from states as well as central government. Due to this process, many legal cases have been solved in the most tenable and effective way such as Near v Minnesota, Robinson v. California, Mapp v. Ohio, and McDonald v. Chicago. Selective incorporation has helped the case of Near v. Minnesota out of false persecution of the state law by using the First Amendment. The First Amendment, freedom of speechRead MoreWhat Is The Difference Between Plessy Vs. Ferguson And Brown V. Bored Of Education1130 Words à |à 5 PagesPlessy V. Ferguson and Brown V. Bored of Education, the Fourteenth Amendment was argued. The outcome of these two court cases effected African Americans and their fight against segregation. These two court case are similar in their fight for a cause because they challenged the meaning of the same law, but different in their outcome. The precedent ââ¬Å"separate but equalâ⬠comes from the case Plessy v. Ferguson. This case had a big effect on America. The term ââ¬Å"separate but equalâ⬠means that segregationRead MoreThe Case Of Plessy V. Ferguson1072 Words à |à 5 PagesPlessy V. Ferguson and Brown V. Bored of Education, the Fourteenth Amendment was argued. The outcome of these two court cases effected African Americans and their fight against segregation. These two court case are similar in their fight for a cause because they challenged the meaning of the same law, but different in their outcome. The precedent ââ¬Å"separate but equalâ⬠comes from the case Plessy v. Ferguson. This case had a big effect on America. The term ââ¬Å"separate but equalâ⬠means that segregationRead MoreEssay about I Am An American1673 Words à |à 7 Pages1868, congress passed the Fourteenth Amendment that granted citizenship to all those who are born on U.S. soil. The Fourteenth Amendment was constructed to rectify the dispute that was caused by the Dred Scott case. Dred Scott vs. Sanford was a case where the U.S. Supreme Court said that African Americans that were imported to the United States and held as slaves could never be U.S. citizens because they were not protected by the constitution. In Section 1 of the 14th amendment it states ââ¬Å"All personsRead MoreThe Rights Of The United States1684 Words à |à 7 Pagesof Rights are nationalized to the states through the Fourteenth Amendment, so citizens of the U.S. are ascertained to have protection from state government as well a s central government infringements. Due to this process, many cases of interpretation of the laws have been reserved and established precedent cases in such as Near v Minnesota, Robinson v. California, Mapp v. Ohio, and McDonald v. Chicago. In Near v. Minnesota the First Amendment, freedom of speech, was nationalized in 1925 after ââ¬Å"theRead MoreMapp V. Ohio ( 1961 )1619 Words à |à 7 Pagesthe Fourth Amendment, which protects against unreasonable searches and seizures,â⬠which cannot be used in the law on the state level or in criminal prosecutions in state courts, and in addition, federal criminal law prosecutions in federal courts (MAPP v. OHIO. They Oyez Project at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law.) The Supreme Court successfully completed this by use of selective incorporation. In Mapp the association was within the incorporation of the provisions, of the Fourth Amendment which areRead MoreThe Issue Of Birthright Citizenship922 Words à |à 4 Pagesas the original purpose of the fourteenth amendment. They also use the reasoning of economic impact as well as the trickle-down effect it has on the federal, state government, and local communities. While on paper their reasoning may be sound; besides the fa ct that America stands for freedom and with open arms; the fact is the hidden agenda is racist and a backdoor attach on illegal immigration. Opponents fighting the wording and meaning of the fourteenth amendment, which source ââ¬Å"Googleâ⬠presents
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Making a Hero of Harriett Tubman - 766 Words
Many people think Batman and Superman are heroes because of their bravery and daring personalities but they are not true and honorable heroes. True and honorable heroes have to sacrifice for others, have good intentions to their actions, and make a difference in otherââ¬â¢s lives. Others may argue that there is more to a hero than those traits or that you only need one of the traits but you canââ¬â¢t be a hero without all three traits even if you have other good traits to make up for it. A hero is selfish if they do not sacrifice for their task. Even if they have done something good for another person, they canââ¬â¢t be a hero because they didnââ¬â¢t jeopardize themselves for the good of others. To be sacrificial, one has to expose themselves for the well-being of others. Some could argue that you could save other people without making an actual sacrifice and that the person is still helped or saved but then the person was only lucky to be helped or saved and that does no t make the other person a hero. Harriet Tubman is a good example of sacrificing for the good of others, ââ¬Å"â⬠¦Tubman escaped to Philadelphia, then immediately returned to Maryland to rescue her family. Slowly, one group at a time, she brought relatives out of the state, and eventually guided dozens of other slaves to freedom.â⬠(p1, à ¶3) as stated by Wikipedia editors, 2014. Harrietââ¬â¢s life and new-found freedom were at risk because she chose to go back to the home of the people who had owned her for her entire life. She was aShow MoreRelatedEssay On Harriet Tubman1602 Words à |à 7 PagesHarriet Tubman ââ¬Å"I had reasoned this out in my mind, there was one of two things I had a right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other.â⬠-Tubman The world was blessed with Harriet Tubman in 1822 on the eastern shore of Maryland. Unfortunately, Tubman was born into this world as a slave and lived on a plantation with her family, which consisted of four brothers and four sisters. Her parents named her Araminta ââ¬Å"Mintyâ⬠Ross but soon, with the coming of age, she changed her
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
National Institute of Standards and Technology â⬠MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Answer: Introduction: Cloud computing is an information technology field which enables ubiquitous access to resources which have been shared and configured to be provisioned with very little effort on the internet. A cloud based solution a system or program which has been deployed is hosted on the cloud and is accessed through the internet (Taylor, 2004). Cloud based solutions need to be secured so that they are not breached by unauthorized malicious individuals. The deployment and use of firewalls enables a cloud based solution to be kept secure and far from reach from any unauthorized persons. Data in cloud based solution should also be encrypted. This security measure helps in keeping the data in a cloud based solution safe by ensuring that even if the firewalls and intrusive detective measures do not work effectively and an unauthorized individual is able to gain access to the cloud based solution they will not be able to understand the data or information which they have accessed (US Department of Ju stice, 2003). If they are unable to read the data they have accessed they will not be in a position to tamper with the data or use it for any kind of malicious intent. The interface of a cloud based solution should be user friendly and simple to use. This will ensure that the users of the solution are able to utilize it effectively with ease. The interface should also be designed in a professional manner based on the context it will be utilized for so that it serves the purpose it was meant to (Schmidt Rosenberg, 2014). A cloud based solution improves the agility of an organization which uses it. For the organization which has implemented and utilizes a cloud based system it will enable them to increase user flexibility by expanding the technology infrastructure resources they will require to accommodate a large number of users. In the past companies were faced with a huge problem in being able to meet the needs of their users. As they grew they needed more resources in terms of infrastructure to accommodate the larger number of users who had subscribed or were using their services. It was a costly endeavor which was very hard to keep up with. Clo ud solutions came up to salvage the situation by offering the needed infrastructure which such companies needed to ensure that they would be able to adapt according to the technology resources they needed (Radack, 2011). The use of cloud based solutions has helped many organizations in saving of costs which were incurred in purchasing and maintenance of the IT infrastructure needed to help them serve their clients. The money and resources in which most companies have saved from the use of cloud based solutions has led them improve on other areas in their business. They are now able to fund other non-technical resources of the organization such as marketing and customer support to grow and improve their business. Usability is the way in which a system has been developed to enable users to actively benefit from its use (Qusay, Riad Ahmed, 2012). Usability is a key concept in ensuring a system serves the purpose it was meant for as it was built. Reliability is the act of being able to depend on a certain resource for your needs. In the context of cloud based solutions they should be reliable to ensure that the operations of a business are always in check. A company outsources its cloud needs to a cloud solutions provider. If the provider is not reliable it may cause a company to lose a lot in terms of clients and resources. It is therefore important that a cloud solution provider is reliable in their operations. A cloud solution being internet based should be able to perform at peak levels to ensure that it provides quality services to its clients and users. If it does not perform well and lags it might lead the companies which are dependent on it to stagnate or lose business. The security aspect of a cloud based solution is of top priority. The information stored in the cloud is very sensitive and therefore the security measures employed to protect this data should be state of the art so that the systems are protected from any dangers (Qusay, 2011). The constraints of a cloud based solution are that they are not customizable. This is because the system is developed and maintained by the owner of the cloud service. It is a cheap service due to economies of scale but the cloud solution provider is the one who determines when the interface of the cloud based system. Some cloud based solutions are also not compliant to legal regulations. This may put the companies which are using the services of these non-compliant cloud solution providers to be at risk of legal action. Most companies usually operate within the law to ensure that they are able to serve their clients adequately. It is within their mandate to ensure that if they outsource or use outside resources such as a cloud solution provider they should utilize service providers who are complaint to the law (Parag, Rodgerb Girish, 2008). The policies and security measures which are used by a cloud solution provider are usually managed by them. This leaves the companies who use t heses solution providers at the mercy of their service provider. The strengths of using a cloud based solution are that they are very affordable due to the economies of scale. The cloud solution provider usually setups up the necessary infrastructure to run a cloud system and then offers their service to various clients. The presence of many clients will ensure that they can cost share the use of these IT infrastructure resources (Oestreich, 2010). The use of a cloud based solution give its users the ability to access the system from any location they may be in as long as they have an internet connection. This is very beneficial to organizations because their employees are able to work on the go and achieve more productivity. The company will not be dependent on having the solution on site to access the services they offer. Mulitlatency is a process in which many companies are able to share resources and save on cost of use and maintenance. The use of a cloud based solution will enable all the companies using it to use a cost effective solution in their operations. They will not need to invest in the technology infrastructure which is usually very costly to buy and maintain. The weaknesses of a cloud based solution are that the information of a company is usually held in it and it can be taken or stolen from the cloud service provider through various ways for malicious intent (Mell Grance, 2011). The design of the cloud solution is also dictated by the cloud service provider. The company does not have any way in which they may be able to change the interface so that it conforms to its designs. The company can lose clients due to this because they may find use of this cloud based solution to be hard and not user-friendly. Software development life cycle (SDLC) is a process which is usually used as a guideline in the development of a software solution (Marakas O'Brien, 2010). In the use of the software development life cycle there are specific deliverables which are set to ensure that they are achieved at each step. Predictive software development life cycle is the utilization of the SDLC process effectively by being able to predict the processes which will be needed in every step of the methodology. The use of predictive SDLC has the advantage of control because it enables the users of this process to have an idea of every stage in the process and what is entailed within every step. After they are aware of this they can be able to control various factors such as setting the budget and the amount of time to achieve deliverables to each specific phase in the software development life cycle. Predictive SDLC can be used in large projects to help in managing them so that their objectives are achieved (Kay , 2002). In any project if there is no prior planning before the project begins there are various risks which will be encountered. The greatest of them is the project becoming a failure. When individuals set out to start a project they purpose to complete it and that is why planning is needed to ensure the project is a success (Haghighat, Zonouz Abdel-Mottaleb, 2015). When working on large projects the use of predictive SDLC can help by being able to monitor these projects easily. By following the SDLC process the projects can be monitored by evaluating the outcome of each phase to ensure it is completed on time and on budget with a positive outcome. The user input which is provided in the process will enable the predictive SDLC process by giving a description of how the system being developed will look like and the functionality it should have (Gruman, 2008). If user input is not considered in the predictive SDLC process the project being pursued might not be successful or it migh t yield results which are not of use or productive to the user. The cons of using predictive SDLC are that the costs used in the process might not be correct. This is because a prediction is only an estimate and the facts used when a prediction is made can easily change over time. It is therefore important to always have an overestimated budget when using predictive SDLC to ensure the project will be able to run smoothly without constraints so that its goals can be achieved (Elliott Strachan, 2004). Predictive SDLC might not be able to predict the right amount of time which should be set to ensure a project achieves its objectives. When using predictive SDLC the amount of time needed to deliver the project is usually set then the various phases are allocated time within this scope to ensure the project is delivered on time (Dealey, 2013). Most projects are usually faced with time constraints. It is very hard to set a time frame for any emergencies or inconveniences that may come up during a project. It is therefore standard to ensure that the project is allocated emergency time to achieve on its deliverables. This time however should not be too long to a point that will compromise the project. In predictive SDLC the systems to be developed and used might be defined upfront. The use of prediction can be used to define the systems to be used. However these systems may need to change so that the project objective is achieved (Baburajan, 2011). It is a very big disadvantage but it is a necessary requirement so that the SDLC process can be developed appropriately based on the needed deliverables. The use of predictive SDLC needs the input of users. It is however a hard task to predict the input in which users may give in the process. The input they give is also limited which makes the process become compromised or limited in its purpose. Adaptive SDLC is a software development methodology that came up from rapid application development. It involves the continuous adapting of the process to the tasks being performed to ensure the current project being undertaken achieves the best results possible. The benefit of this process is that it revisits the speculative, learning and collaboration cycles of the SDLC process. This means that project planning which is the speculation phase is revisited and adapts to change as the project is ongoing. Collaboration is whereby individuals work to share the tasks which has been predicted as being needed to accomplish the project goals. Learning focuses on the design, build and testing phases. Here the process is iterated by making small mistakes and false assumptions then correcting them to ensure all possible errors are tested and the system can be of good quality. The disadvantages are that this process may use a lot of money and time. It also risks a project becoming obsolete if i ts need is surpassed by the time it is ready for deployment. The two methodologies are all good while used in different settings. I would recommend the adaptive SDLC approach because it encompasses a more realistic view of the challenges and events that happen in present day. References Baburajan R. (2011). "The Rising Cloud Storage Market Opportunity Strengthens Vendors". Dealey C. (2013). "Cloud Computing Working Group", Network Centric Operations Industry Consortium NCOIC. Elliott G. Strachan J. (2004) Global Business Information Technology. p.87. Gruman G. (2008). "What cloud computing really means". InfoWorld. Haghighat S.M., Zonouz Abdel-Mottaleb M. (2015). CloudID: Trustworthy Cloud-based and Cross-Enterprise Biometric Identification. Expert Systems with Applications, 42(21), 79057916. Kay R. (2002). "QuickStudy: System Development Life Cycle". ComputerWorld. Marakas J. A. O'Brien G. M. (2010). Management information systems. McGraw-Hill/Irwin. pp. 485489. Mell P. Grance T. (2011). The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing (Technical report). National Institute of Standards and Technology: U.S. Department of Commerce. Oestreich K. (2010). "Converged Infrastructure". CTO Forum. Parag C. P., Rodgerb J. A. Girish H. S. (2008). "An empirical study of the CobbDouglas production function properties of software development effort". Information and Software Technology. 50 (12): 11811188. Qusay H. (2011). "Demystifying Cloud Computing". The Journal of Defense Software Engineering. CrossTalk. Qusay H. F., Riad l. M. Ahmed H. E. (2012). "Software reuse in the emerging cloud computing era". In Yang, Hongji; Liu, Xiaodong. Understanding Cloud Computing. Information Science Reference. pp. 204227. Radack S. (2011)."The system development life cycle (SDLC)". National Institute of Standards and Technology. Schmidt E. Rosenberg J. (2014). How Google Works. Grand Central Publishing. p. 11 Taylor J. (2004). Managing Information Technology Projects. p.39. US Department of Justice (2003). INFORMATION RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Chapter 1.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Greed Essays - Death Valley, Films, Greed, Michael Milken
Greed Greed Greed is a selfish desire for more than one needs or deserves. Greed can make honest men murderers. It has made countries with rich valuable resources into the poorest countries in the world. We are taught it is bad and not to practice it. But consider a world without greed, where everyone is as sharing as Mother Theresa was. The progress of humankind would be at a standstill. Greed has given our society faster travel, better service, more convenience, and most importantly, progress. Greed has created thousands of billionaires and millions of millionaires. But why is greed associated with evil? In their day, most capitalists like Cornelius Vanderbilt and John D. Rockefeller were depicted as pure evil. Vanderbilt stole from the poor. Rockefeller was a snake. But the name-calling did not come from the consumers; it was the competing businesses that complained. The newspapers expanded on these comments, calling them robber barons. These are inaccurate terms for these businessmen. They were not barons because they all started penniless and they were not robbers because they did not take it from anyone else. Vanderbilt got rich by making travel and shipping faster, cheaper, and more luxurious. He built bigger, faster, and more efficient ships. He served food on his ships, which the customers liked and he lowered his costs. He lowered the New York to Hartford fare from $8 to $1. Rockefeller made his fortunes selling oil. He also lowered his costs, making fuel affordable for the working-class people. The working-class people, who use to go to bed after sunset, could now afford fuel for their lanterns. The people, who worked an average 10-12 hours a day, could now have a private and social life. The consumers were happy, the workers were happy, and they were happy. Bill Gates, CEO of Microsoft Corporation is another example of a greedy person. He is the richest man in the world with about $40 billion and he continues to pursue more wealth. Just because he has $40 billion does not mean the rest of the world lost $40 billion, he created more wealth for the rest of the world. His software created new ways of saving time and money and created thousands of new jobs. Bill Gates got rich by persuading people to buy his product. His motive may have been greed, but to achieve that, he had to give us what we wanted. Both parties benefited from the transaction and everybody wins. In general, many businesses donate a percent of its wealth to charity. People not only want but also expect those businesses to donate their money away. Vanderbilt gave one percent of his money away to start Vanderbilt University. Ted Turner donated $1 billion to the United Nations. But why do people think that giving away money is better than making money? Giving away money is much easier than building a new business. Building a new business creates new jobs for people, giving someone the means to support himself. When you give money away, it does not help them become more s elf-sufficient. Charity does not always make big impacts, as people believe they do. For example, who changed the world more, Micheal Milken or Mother Teresa? Milken pioneered a new way for companies to raise money, creating tens of thousands of new jobs. He saved Mattel, the toy maker, by his junk bonds. It is now the world's biggest toy company. His bonds rescued TWA, Revlon, and many other companies. Millions of people now joy cheaper phone calls because he funded the phone company, MCI. His bonds made CNN and other Turner companies possible. On the other hand, Mother Teresa donated every penny to charity and helped tens of thousands of people in slums of Third-World countries. She spent her life doing charity work for the poor. Her deeds continue after her death; four thousand sisters now continue what she begun. Without a doubt, people would say Mother Teresa did more for the world. But their judgements are blinded by the fact that they are looking at their motives. Michael Mil ken didn't suffer; he didn't go into the slums. Mother Teresa went into the slums and she suffered. Milken persuaded wealth because
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Foodborne Illnesses essays
Foodborne Illnesses essays Each year up to 81 million Americans suffer from a foodborne illness; out of this number, 9,100 of them die (Gavzer 1997). By recognizing the specific cases that have involved food poisoning, this number can be put into perspective with much greater ease. In August of 1997, Hudson Foods ordered the largest recall in history-25 million pounds of hamburger patties-which resulted from the deadly bacterium known as E. coli 0517:H7. During the spring of 1997, imported raspberries contaminated with the parasite cyclospora sickened thousands of people in 29 states. Just last year, the United States Department of Agriculture inspectors discovered E. coli 0517:H7 in ground beef that was shipped to a Virginia grocery by Beef America, resulting in yet another large recall. And to add to these incidents, earlier this month, some 746 people were sickened by Salmonella heidelberg after eating ham stuffed with vegetables and spices at a Sunday night church dinner in rural Maryland (Spake 72). The numbers and circumstances involving food poisonings are very distressing, since they directly impact the well-being of the citizens of our nation. Due to its relentless ability to transpire, this issue has demanded more and more focus as time has progressed. Most of its attention has recently been centralized on the food processing plants; in particular, the methods and standard operating procedures under which they provide food for consumption. One of the debates that has been brought up over food processing concentrates on who has the authority to establish and administer to these methods and procedures. While private industries would prefer to have the authority to construct their own protocols and carry out the inspections of their facilities; consumer groups, as well as government agencies, find it unquestionably necessary that the government has absolute authority over the regulation of food processing plants. This debate ov...
Monday, February 24, 2020
Influences of economics and marketing on relationships in the global Essay - 1
Influences of economics and marketing on relationships in the global food supply chain - Essay Example The economic policies of the government have opened the economy to foreign direct investment with favorable regulatory structures being laid down for the investors. The government also aimed at integrating the agricultural sector in the global food supply chain with an initiative to support domestic markets. At the same time it encourages the productivity in a buyer driven market. The economic policies developed by the governments provide opportunities for the business houses and supermarkets to increase the supply of food by taking the benefits of the incentives offered by the favorable economic policies. Appropriate marketing strategies were also adopted in order to fight the obstacles of the pressure groups and the roadblocks due to negative publicity. The transition of global food supply chain has occurred as an effect of the increased demand and the economic policies of the government and the marketing strategies of the business houses in order to tap the emerging demand (Lindgr een,à Hingley andà Vanhamme, 2009, p.38). These factors have led to the change of food habits and change in lifestyle of the consumers. Thus the relationships of the global food supply chain have been influenced by the economic role and marketing role of the government and the business houses respectively. Critical review of key literature The relationship of the food supply chain has become an important area of discussion. The underlying forces of economics and marketing have been playing a key role in influencing the relationships between the government, business houses and the consumers or the people. The agricultural sector is the core of food production in any country. The farmers harvest their land to cultivate the crops that are sold in the market. This cultivation of the crops and the marketing distribution channels supply the food required by the consumers. The process of demand and supply of food is now spread all over the world with the rapid functioning of retail sup ermarket chains that cater to customers all over the globe (Clapp, 2013, p.59). In the age of liberalization, the food supply chain has become a global phenomenon and it is not confined to the domestic market. The change in economic policies and economic reforms adopted by the economies towards an open market economy has allowed foreign direct investments in the global food supply chain industry. Thus the agricultural sector and the domestic markets have been exposed to foreign competition which has raised the benchmark of food quality. The consumers or the people have transformed the standards and quality of food demand at par with the standard of exports. Several factors like the rise in population, change in diet and food habits, increase in market competition, rise of prices in the local markets and improvement in food quality have raised the aggregate demand of global food supply chain. The human population is estimated to grow by 35% from 6.85 billion in 2010 to 9.15 billion i n 2050. The spiraling rate of increase in human population and the increase in average income level of the middle class and lower middle class society have led to the increase in global demand of food. In order to contain inflation as a result of the increased global demand of
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Project Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Project Management - Research Paper Example A project can be considered an endeavor which is temporary with a beginning and an end which is defined. It is usually constrained in terms of resources and time thus it is pursued in order to achieve unique objectives and goals with added value or beneficial change (Heldman, 2011). Thus, project management is tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that all the goals intended for a certain project are achieved. This paper will research comprehensively the significant principles of project management by selecting the aspects of a project that are crucial and discussing them further. It aim is to establish the fact that project management as a discipline is crucial in successfully achieving an organizationââ¬â¢s objectives Project Life-Cycle Management and the Benefits of Project Management to an Organization Generally a project life cycle management has four phases which are Initiation, planning, execution and closure (Watt, 2013). 1) Initiation The initiation phase involves de veloping a business case, undertaking a study of feasibility, establishing the charter of the project, appointing the team to undertake the project, setting up an office for the project, and finally performing a phase review. 2) Planning Planning involves creating a plan for the project, coming up with a resource plan, a financial plan, and a quality plan. Coming up with a risk plan, procurement plan, and a communication plan is also done in this phase. 3) Execution This is the phase where deliverables are built. It is also in this phase where the project is controlled and monitored. Here, ââ¬Å"cost management, time management, quality management, risk management, change management, communication management, procurement management, acceptance management, and issue management are performedâ⬠(Murch, 2001). 4) Closure Here steps are taken to wind up the project formally. Project Organizations and the Importance of Leadership and Sponsorship From a project management point of vi ew, there are three types of organizations, functional, projectized, and matrix organizations. In functional organizations, the manager is in charge of everything including team members completely. In projectized organization, teams are divided into different projects and when the project is over they move to another one. Finally, matrix organizations are a combination of both functional and projectized types of organization. Both leadership and sponsorship play a vital role in project management. The importance of sponsorship is that it avails all the necessary resources needed in project management ensuring that that the project meets its desired goals. On the other hand, the importance of leadership is that it plays a crucial role of controlling, planning and organizing the resources that have been provided by the sponsors ensuring that they are fully utilized enabling the project management team to realize their goals. Leadership in project management also ensures that a project is sponsored fully since it is tasked with seeking sponsors who are obvious beneficiaries of the project once it is undertaken and completed. Project Team Building and Techniques of Successful Team Building A project team is the group of personnel tasked with undertaking the whole process of the life cycle of project management. They may be each tasked to different processes of the project. There are various factors that should be considered when undertaking project team building. It is important for project leaders to understand the project which is
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Business Communication Trends Essay Example for Free
Business Communication Trends Essay Business communication plays a big role in our daily work activities as individuals we must manage our daily activities depending on the trends and needs of our current workplace. There are ten Business communication trends the one that I will be discussing is on Quality and customer needs. Business Communication Trends Business communication is very important in my daily work environment. It is so important because we use this to communicate efficiently with our Managers to our customers. I work for The City of Indio in water department. My duties vary from customer service to Engineering administrative assistant. Business communication does play a big role in my day-to-day duties, because we have to be able to have great communication skills orally, and also we must use other communication technology efficiently like emails, letters, memos and phone or teleconferencing. In order to be a good representative we must be able to communicate effectively with our customers. The reason I say this is because we are responsible in making sure that we listen to what the customers needs are and that we are able to satisfactory resolve any issue that the customer might have. Many times when customers have a valid complain we must inform our supervisor via E-mail, depending on the level of urgency regarding the customers complains. I generally prefer to communicate this way because it creates a paper trail and it also protects me. Through these emails we must be able to communicate to our supervisor, what the issue is and what are the solutions that we can offer the customer. Then my supervisors will respond with either an approval or rejection. Then we can communicate with the customer and inform them what the end result is of their complaint. I have found that communicating with my supervisors via e-mail helps keep track of records, and if that same issue were to ever come up again we would have an e-mail that would be proof that particular issue was addressed and brought to our supervisors attention. If the issue is not resolved to the customer satisfaction it would be because there wasnââ¬â¢t a follow-up with the customer and we did not communicate in a professional manner. Business Communication Trends Working in a utility division comes with many challenges. When creating utility statement, wording has be to address in a manner where we are targeting an audience that can read and understand exactly what is being said in a normal monthly water utility bill . For example, what amount is due and when is it due. Many of our customers misinterpret or donââ¬â¢t understand the wording on the utility bills. This causes confusion, and can even cause customers to have the utility services interrupted, because they misinterpret their bill and did not know how to read it correctly. We all have spent countless hours rewording our statements and every time there is that one customer that is looking for a loop in the system to get away out of paying a payment or late fees. Our role as representatives is to ensure that are customer satisfaction is meet, and if there is an error where it might misguide our customers, we want to make sure that we correct the problem before it becomes a problem.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Essay --
Overview Upon entering the field of medicine, physicians agree to practice according to the Hippocratic Oath which states, ââ¬Å"first, do no harm.â⬠Although it seems like this task would be straight forward, it is not always clear on how to carry out this oath. One example of where conflicting viewpoints are often argued is how to resolve child abuse cases such as Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSbP). MSbP is a relatively new form of child abuse in which a parent deliberately fabricates illnesses in their child to receive medical attention. Over the past 30 years, the recognition and prevalence of MSbP has increased, however, it is still difficult to identify and is highly under diagnosed (Maldonado, 2002). It has stirred much controversy and even the name itself is a topic of debate because MSbP is hard to define. Other terms to describe the condition include factitious disorder by proxy, pediatric condition falsification, and medical child abuse (Lowen & Reece, 2008). In treating a child that may be a victim of MSbP, using covert video surveillance (CVS) is controversial because blurred lines exist between using for it for diagnostic reasons versus legal reasons. When conducting CVS, typically two hidden cameras, placed in objects such as a wall clock or a ceiling light, monitor a parentââ¬â¢s activity without their knowledge (Shabde & Craft, 1999). A member of the care team, such as a nurse, and a police officer observe the video footage from a remote site to look for suspicious activity and intervene if the parent begins to harm the child. Some activity that is typically seen on footage include a parent poisoning their child with cleaning solution or salt, removing medical devices such as tubes, and smothering the child. Clinical Per... of the care team is communicating effectively with each other. Personal Perspective After researching the various viewpoints regarding CVS, I still maintain that it is ethical when used in good faith in order to protect the child. Many case studies have shown that not only is the child more likely to be put in a safer environment when child protective services has the evidence to intervene but it also saves siblings from potential harm. I believe that the physicianââ¬â¢s role is to act in the best interest of the patient, especially when outside factors pose a threat to the childââ¬â¢s well-being. Although many view CVS as unethical because it infringes on privacy rights, it can also provide a great benefit. Studies such as the one conducted by David Southall make it difficult to dispute that there is not a value from using CVS as a form of diagnosis and intervention. Essay -- Overview Upon entering the field of medicine, physicians agree to practice according to the Hippocratic Oath which states, ââ¬Å"first, do no harm.â⬠Although it seems like this task would be straight forward, it is not always clear on how to carry out this oath. One example of where conflicting viewpoints are often argued is how to resolve child abuse cases such as Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSbP). MSbP is a relatively new form of child abuse in which a parent deliberately fabricates illnesses in their child to receive medical attention. Over the past 30 years, the recognition and prevalence of MSbP has increased, however, it is still difficult to identify and is highly under diagnosed (Maldonado, 2002). It has stirred much controversy and even the name itself is a topic of debate because MSbP is hard to define. Other terms to describe the condition include factitious disorder by proxy, pediatric condition falsification, and medical child abuse (Lowen & Reece, 2008). In treating a child that may be a victim of MSbP, using covert video surveillance (CVS) is controversial because blurred lines exist between using for it for diagnostic reasons versus legal reasons. When conducting CVS, typically two hidden cameras, placed in objects such as a wall clock or a ceiling light, monitor a parentââ¬â¢s activity without their knowledge (Shabde & Craft, 1999). A member of the care team, such as a nurse, and a police officer observe the video footage from a remote site to look for suspicious activity and intervene if the parent begins to harm the child. Some activity that is typically seen on footage include a parent poisoning their child with cleaning solution or salt, removing medical devices such as tubes, and smothering the child. Clinical Per... of the care team is communicating effectively with each other. Personal Perspective After researching the various viewpoints regarding CVS, I still maintain that it is ethical when used in good faith in order to protect the child. Many case studies have shown that not only is the child more likely to be put in a safer environment when child protective services has the evidence to intervene but it also saves siblings from potential harm. I believe that the physicianââ¬â¢s role is to act in the best interest of the patient, especially when outside factors pose a threat to the childââ¬â¢s well-being. Although many view CVS as unethical because it infringes on privacy rights, it can also provide a great benefit. Studies such as the one conducted by David Southall make it difficult to dispute that there is not a value from using CVS as a form of diagnosis and intervention.
Monday, January 13, 2020
How Should Social Networks Be Utilized in the Workplace?
How could these social networking sites be a threat to a companyââ¬â¢s security? In todayââ¬â¢s world it seems the human race could not live without information technology in the workplace. More importantly, social networks like Facebook and Twitter are becoming very popular tools for business development in todayââ¬â¢s world. There are dozens of social network sites and more popping up every day. It is astounding the number of hours that people waste on such sites.Updating, checking in and sending out bits and blurbs about every little aspect of one's life seems cheap. More astounding than individuals wasting time on these things is that businesses are also wasting time on them. Actual megabuck businesses are in on the whole social networking shtick. The challenge for the business world is how to utilize these social networks effectively and safely. The value of social networks and how they can benefit businesses has been in question recently.Also in question is do these so cial networks create a security risk with employees conveying possibly privileged information to a friend or relative through Facebook or Twitter. How does a company prevent potential security risks? They have to block social networking sites or grant limited access to specific departments. Metro Business College prevents students from accessing social networking sites on school computers but allows faculty and staff to access from their desk computers.Metroââ¬â¢s reasoning is students should be at school to learn, not stare at Facebook all class period. The question then is not are these sights a security risk but rather are these sites a huge time suck for employees which creates a reduction in productivity? The biggest risk a company a company faces is how employees that utilize these sights can make their company look and what effects it could possibly have on their reputation. How social networking can tarnish the reputation of a company or enhance it. Unfortunately, there i s a downside to social networking.It is essentially an open forum and anyone can say and post anything on a companyââ¬â¢s page. For the most part, it is potentially dangerous to a companyââ¬â¢s reputation. Due to this fact, a companyââ¬â¢s networking site should have limited access when it pertains to posting information. Take, for instance, a recent report on The Springfield Brewery in Springfield, Missouri. The social media specialist posted a humorous joke to its Facebook page and unfortunately it was met with several disgruntled comments. Several customers stated they would never ââ¬Å"step foot n the restaurant againâ⬠. [ (Pettit, 2013) ] It is bad press such as that over such a small comment that could potentially destroy a company. On the other hand there are companies like Tupperware that use social networking internally to boost the pride employees have for the company, the attachment an employee feels and fun an employee has while at work. [ (Huy, 2012) ] Af ter adopting these social media concepts the turnover rate fell by fifteen percent and a webcast created new sales of $700,000 in just three days. (Huy, 2012) ] Sometimes social media can create opportunities for companies that they normally would not have and it is the companies that are willing to evolve and understand the importance of social networking that will survive. Another company that utilizes social networking site is Metro Business College they found that websites such as Facebook and Twitter can be excellent recruiting tools and also they are useful to keep track of their student body and possibly help them if they have issues with homework or even personal problems.Social networking can be an invaluable tool to an organization if utilized properly and monitored by administrators to prevent potentially damaging posts or comments. How to make social networking work for the greater good of the company LinkedIn can be a valuable tool. Resumes can be posted there which can be utilized by human resources departments for recruiting purposes. Potential employees post their profiles there, which also can be utilized by the human resources department to check the character of a potential recruit. Slovensky, 2012) Some companies are requiring potential employees to provide human resources access to their Facebook pages so they can see the character of the candidate. Companies post jobs on networking sites like LinkedIn and Facebook which can benefit other companies to view how their competition is doing, if they are posting new positions then that company is most likely in a state of growth. People looking for jobs are on these sights and they provide all the information a potential employer needs to make an informed hiring decision.When it comes to professional social networking, LinkedIn is the most successful site of its kind. It is better than Facebook or Twitter because it eliminates the everyday social aspect, including the posting of how oneââ¬â¢ s morning breakfast made them feel and the LOLs. Another benefit of LinkedIn is that all discussions and groups are moderated. Nonsense is kept to a minimum. Rarely does one have to deal with spam or irritation there. It is a safe haven for serious social networking, for serious business connection building and for serious relationship building.However, there are benefits to using networking sites like Facebook as well. After all, Facebook does have 175 million members according to an article called Inside Facebook written in 2009. Maintaining the strategic advantage through e-business and social networking The questions a company must ask are:à To how many social networks do you belong? How valuable are they to you? If they went away tomorrow, would you feel any impact to your business? A simple answer is that individuals should choose one or two professional networks and farm those like any other social networking situation.Leave the shot gunning to the amateurs. Make connection s that count. 10,000 ââ¬Å"Likesâ⬠do not mean anything if they are not buying, reading, recommending or influencing. Companies should not waste your time with such pursuits. The return on investment is not high enough. Mass mailings do not work. Certain types of advertising just do not work for some businesses. Building relationships with clients is the most important aspect of any business and that is best done through human contact not a mass email.Do not rely on flash-in-the-pan online social networks to build your business. Clients and potential clients like to know that there's a 98. 6 degree hand on the other end of those messages and not a piece of software. It might sound old-fashioned and outdated but there is nothing like true social networking to build a business. A company builds a business through building relationships. Studies have shown that relying on social networks to create strong ties actually has the opposite effect and instead weakens them.Facebook is a good example of a social networking site that creates weak ties (Jennifer, 2010). Instead of creating direct networks among its participants, the social networking site creates sub-networks. With no direct link to the company or the issue at hand it can create weaker ties and a customer that does not show as much company loyalty. (Slovensky, 2012) In the end it does not matter how the company views social networking but how the customer base views that companyââ¬â¢s use of these social networking sites.If they are well monitored and provide password protected use for a limited amount of employees then it can be beneficial. However, the biggest issue most companies face is that one instance when something is posted that causes a security breach or something is posted that hurts the companyââ¬â¢s reputation. They then have to answer the question, what do we do next? Social networking is not going anywhere in fact it is growing everyday with new sites popping up all of the time and companies that want to survive will need to get on board.References Huy, Q. &. (2012). The key to social media success within organizations. MIT SLoan Management Review , 54 (1), 73-81. Jennifer, S. (2010). Planning in the age of facebook: the role of social networking in planning processes. GeoJournal , 75 (5), 407-420. Slovensky, R. &. (2012). Should human resource managers use social media to screen job applicants? managerial and legal issues in the USA. Ifno: The Journal of Policy, Regulation and Strategy for Telecommunications, Information and Media , 14 (1), 55-69.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Principles Of Software Engineering - 1269 Words
ITECH3501-6501 ââ¬â Individual Assignment. Student ID : 30131158 Principles of Software Engineering School of Science, Information Technology and Engineering (SITE) Objective: The purpose of this assignment is to enable students to demonstrate their ability to interpret a set of laws that are part of the principles of software engineering, to evaluate principles of software engineering aspects within an industry in relation to the various elements covered, to apply them to a cases drawn from technical and academic literature and to communicate the key issues through a written academic report. Individual Assignment Weighting and Due Date: Refer to Course Description on Moodle Description of assignment: The Laws of Software Engineering. Consider the following four laws given in the prescribed text: Curtis Good design requires deep application domain knowledge. (L5) Simon Hierarchical structures reduce complexity. (L6) Denert Separation of concerns leads to standard architectures. (L9) DeRemer What applies to small systems does not apply to large ones. (LI6) 1. Describe each law in your own words. Define the terms in each law and explain the law clearly and thoroughly. Illustrate your explanation with practical examples ââ¬â with at least one example for each law from software engineering. Curtis : For make S For Build Successfully Large and Complex system, The Deep Application specific knowledge is must required,The deep integration of variousShow MoreRelatedPrinciples of Software Engineering2346 Words à |à 10 Pagesdevelopment of a project. In fact, it is the first step for any project The main problem in a project failure is the lack of requirements. 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